
Absolutely No One:

Me: Alright, here are my favorite albums of the year so far!

1 Everlasting- Sammie

The thing I love most about the Everlasting album is Sammie’s honesty. He’s tackling things like infidelity, the pain of watching someone move on, and having to look yourself in the mirror to say: “You don’t have it all together, and that’s okay.” I listened to this album when it first dropped on repeat, no skips. Even still, I will have days where I just vibe to the whole thing. My favorite songs on the album are: Truth is, Funeral, 3-Side, Times 10, H.I.T.L, and Un-Love You.

2 Indigo- Chris Brown

Whew. This album was a lot to take in. I don’t think I’ve managed to listen to all 33 songs that’s on it, but I did formulate a Best of Indigo playlist that I can just listen to. I figure, if I ever get overexposed to the list I’ve created, I’ll listen to the other ones. I think that’s one of the beautiful things about this album–it’s literally like 2 in 1. Which by itself is just a whole lot of Chris Brown, if you’re trying to listen to it straight through. But when is too much Chris ever really a bad thing? I’m still currently cycling through my playlist and it’s just an overall great time. It’s inspired. Now, I have to admit that I thought Exclusive was his last great album–I was also in high school when it came out. After that, I only ever really liked a few singles. Indigo certainly changed all of that. My favorite jams on this bad boy are: Indigo, Emerald/Burgundy, All on Me, Sexy, No Guidance, Part of the Plan, Dear God and BP/No Judgement.

3 Happiness Begins- The Jonas Brothers

I have been a Jonas Brothers fan for as long as I can remember. Way back when S.O.S and That’s Just the Way We Roll we anthems of my life. I wasn’t completely heartbroken that they disbanded years ago–I like Nick Jonas as a one man band. Speaking of Nick, his self-titled album and Last Year Was Complicated are among two of my favorite albums of all time–but that’s neither here nor there. Anyways, the reunion was definitely welcome. Especially coming at a time when a lot of old things are coming back into style. I don’t think I really expected to like the Happiness Begins album as much as I did. It’s serving up those “we’re all grown up now,” waves, and I find myself putting it on when I just want background noise when I’m writing. Some of my most played songs are: Used To Be, I Believe, Every Single Time, Hesitate, and Only Human.

4 Free Spirit- Khalid

My sister first messaged me about this album awhile ago. Admittedly, I had never listened to Khalid before. The song she told me to listen to first was Bad Luck, which I was digging so much. I eventually just ended up putting on the whole album and listened to it on repeat for a weeks. This one came out around the time I was a rideshare driver, so I put it on for my passengers as well. It’s easy listening, road-trip type of music. The songs I loved most of this album are: Bad Luck, Saturday Nights, Free Spirit, Don’t Pretend, Talk, and My Bad.

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